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Diversecities Stories of Success

Improving and supporting lives of Calgary's margenalized community member by closing the gaps between facilities and services.  This collection of stories and testimonials reflects Diversecities' and its partners’ efforts to connect, aid, and support Calgarians.

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On July 14, 2023 a Mock Trial Youth event was held at the Calgary Central Library as a collaborative event between the Law & Advocacy Program and the Child & Youth Program in Diversecities. A total of 14 youth participants between the ages of 10 and 14 joined the program.


The Mock Trial event was carried out with an age-appropriate mock trial script titled “Regina vs Luke Skywalker”.  The participants enjoyed a 3-hour long event where they sharpened their reading, speaking, and roleplaying skills, as well as learn some basic knowledge about the law and courtroom etiquette. 

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Caring deeds help wishes come true. Through the generous contributions of time, talent, and money, we can make a positive impact on the lives of individuals. 

The collective efforts of volunteers, donors, professionals, and communities who unite with a common purpose make it possible for wishes to be fulfilled and dreams to come true.


To date, with the funding support from Kids Upfront, Diversecities has benefited more than 67 families and 208 individuals.

Award Winner

In 2021, Diversecities takes great pride in recognizing individuals who have made a significant impact in enhancing social mobility within our community. We are thrilled to introduce the inaugural Diversecities Builder Award, honoring those dedicated individuals who have driven positive change and contributed to the advancement of social mobility.

Through the Diversecities Builder Award, we aim to highlight the importance of fostering an inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and fulfill their potential. We believe that by celebrating these social mobility champions, we can collectively create a brighter and more equitable future for all.


Project Name


The year 2023, marks the centenary of the Chinese Immigration Act, a pivotal chapter in Canadian history that carries deep significance and regret. Enacted in 1923, this Act imposed stringent restrictions on Chinese immigration to Canada and implemented discriminatory measures that reverberated through the years. Notably, it mandated that all Chinese individuals in Canada register with the government and carry identification cards under the risk of facing adverse consequences. 


As we commemorate this significant anniversary, let us remember the importance of embracing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and standing against all forms of discrimination. Together, we can ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated, and work towards building a more just and harmonious society that values the contributions of all its members, regardless of their cultural background or heritage.


Since October 2022, Diversecities has been making a meaningful impact on the Falconridge community through its engaging art and crafts activities for children. Every week, the dedicated Child and Youth Program team visits the community on Mondays to nurture the children's creativity and provide them with valuable skills. One particular program assistant, Tina Chiu, has formed a special bond with the children, making a lasting impression in their lives. 


Diversecities, with the invaluable contributions of dedicated individuals like Tina Chiu, remains committed to making a positive difference in the Falconridge community. Through their continuous efforts, they are shaping the lives of children, nurturing their potential, and building a brighter future for the entire community.

Diversecities (卡城華人社區服務中心)是一個慈善機構,已為卡城華人服務超過40年,其使命是協助所有卡城市民享受適當的社會服務。

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卡城華人社區服務中心位於Niitsitapi(黑腳)的傳統領土。艾伯塔省南部條約7地區人民,其中包括Siksika,Piikani,Kainai,Tsuut’ina和Iyarhe Nakoda。卡爾加里市也是Métis民族的所在地。

@ 2021 Diversecities 保留所有權利 | Diversecities是已註冊的加拿大慈善機構,BN / 註冊號 891098592 RR 0001

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