現真誠邀請亞伯達省華人社區的成員,參加“有關新型冠狀病毒的社區網絡交流活動”。亞伯達省疫苗注射專案共同主委及兒科醫生Dr. Cheri Nijssen-Jordan將在交流活動中對“新型冠狀病毒目前在亞伯達省和 愛民頓市的流行狀況”和“亞伯達省衛生服務部的應對措施(包括新型冠狀病毒預防針的 安全性)”等進行解讀和發布最新消息。同時, Dr. Cheri Nijssen-Jordan醫生將在活動中與參與成員 交流互動。
活動時間: 2021 年 4 月 15 日,晚
7 點 - 8 點 30 分
Alberta’s Cantonese community are invited to a virtual COVID-19 Community Conversation with Vaccine Task Force Co-Lead & Paediatrician Dr. Cheri Nijssen-Jordan. Following an update on the status of COVID-19 in Alberta and AHS’ response - including vaccine safety - Dr. Nijssen-Jordan will answer your questions.
April 15, 2021 7:00 - 8:30 pm
本次活動是由卡城社區支援協會,卡城華埠獅子會及卡城華人社區服務中心聯合舉辦。活動將以英語進行, 現場將提供翻譯服務。
This event is being hosted in partnership with the Alliance of Calgary Community Ethnic Support Society (ACCESS), Calgary Chinatown Lions Club and Diversecities. While the presentation will be made in English, translation services will be available.
Register for the event here
Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/94486824885?pwd=eHlXaEpOTTZmSmNCako0cUFsa1FjZz09
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