在加拿大找到第一份工作:新移民求職技巧和資訊 Land your first job in Canada: Job Searching Tips and Information for Newcomers
加拿大搵工有咩技巧?Resume要點寫?點樣可以轉返本行?本網上工作坊旨在為大家提供實用嘅加拿大本地搵工資訊及技巧,幫助新移民搵到第一份工作或過渡期工作 。中心誠邀擁有35年銀行經驗及豐富招聘經驗嘅加拿大五大銀行其中的一位退休總經理Angela Chu,同大家分享本地求職經驗。 This online workshop aims to equip participants with valuable information and skills essential for newcomers seeking their first or transitional job in Canada.
Time & Location
2024年5月30日 19:00 – 20:30
About the Event
🔍 內容包括: ・求職技巧 ・本地履歷撰寫技巧 ・面試技巧 ・如何建立你在加拿大的人際網路 🎙️ 演講嘉賓: Angela chu ・35年銀行業經驗 ・協助人力資源招聘、面試和篩選潛在候選人流程5年 ・曾任職管理層28年 ・任職大銀行的視像錄影培訓導師 🔗 免費工作坊,立即報名:forms.office.com/r/CrpNFtEasP
🔍 What’s on the agenda? 🤔 ・Job Search Strategies: Navigate the Canadian job market like a pro. ・Resume Building: Craft a masterpiece that stands out. ・Interview Skills: Ace those nerve-wracking interviews. ・Networking in Canada: Connect, collaborate, and conquer! 🤝🍁 🎙️ Meet Our Star Guest Speaker: Angela Chu 🏦 35 years of banking career 🔺Actively involved in HR hiring, interviewing & prospect candidate selection processes for 5 years. 🔺28 years in management roles 🔺HR Guru: Angela’s been in the trenches, interviewing and selecting top talent for 5 years. 🔺Oh, and she was also a Video Coach for one of the big 5 banks! 🔗 Register now: forms.office.com/r/CrpNFtEasP