
Norman Poon
Board Co-Chair
As an immigrant, Norman moved to Calgary with his family at the age of 9. Norman’s life in Calgary has been greatly impacted by the work of Diversecities. Both Norman and his brother were participants of Diversecities’ youth summer camp programs. As an after school volunteer tutor for Diversecities, Norman was able to witness first hand the struggles of building a new life in Calgary for newcomers and their families. This experience has resulted in Norman’s passion to assist newcomers in establishing a better life in Calgary, especially in the areas of navigating the complexity of job searching in a new country. Norman holds a Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction from the University of Alberta, and has spent over 15 years in the private and public sector as a human resources professional. He and his business partner are now working with technology companies across Canada and the USA to help get their products and services to market. During Norman’s free time, he loves spending time with his family and trying out the many great restaurants, breweries, and distilleries in and around Calgary and the area. Norman is also a news and politics junkie.

Dr. Thomas Cheuk
Board Co-Chair
Dr. Thomas Cheuk earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Manitoba in 1989. He was formerly an Assistant Professor of Health Economics in the Department of Community Health Science, School of Medicine, at the University of Manitoba. He was appointed as the Medical Economic Consultant for the Provincial Task Force in the planning of the HIV response. Dr. Thomas Cheuk has been a dedicated and active member of the Chinese community in Calgary. He has been a long-serving Board Member in several Chinese Schools; currently as President of the Calgary Chinese Language School, Vice-President of the Calgary Chinese Public School Society, and Vice-President of the Alberta Chung Wah School Society. Dr. Cheuk’s passion for collaboration and strategic visioning has made him an exceptional advocate of change and catalyst for action. He is a champion and an advocate for efficient resources allocation as demonstrated through his various leadership roles. Dr. Cheuk was instrumental to successfully merging the Cultural Centre Chinese School with the Calgary Chinese Private School in 2019. The merger resulted in freeing up the Chinese Cultural Centre facility making it available for other community programs while the previously idle classrooms at the Calgary Chinese Private School were fully utilized by students because of his vision for efficient resource allocation. Dr. Cheuk is the founding President of both the Calgary Chinese Community Service Society (CCCSS) and the Alliance of Calgary Community Ethnic Support Society (ACCESS). He is also the Zone Chair for the Lions Club International District C2 Zone 7A, and is the President of the Calgary Chinatown Lions Club - a local Chapter of the Lions Club International. Since 1992, Dr. Cheuk has served as a Director of the Calgary Chao Chow Community Benevolent Society and has been the Vice-President since 2010. He is also the Vice-President of the Chinese Canadians for China’s Reunification (Calgary).
Leslie Lai
Vice Chair
Pu-Wei Wang
Pu-Wei joined the CCCSA board in 2017. She is a Chartered Professional Accountant and tax specialist in the Oil and Gas Industry. She moved to Canada in 2000 and got her Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) degree from the University of Saskatchewan. She is fluent in English and Chinese.
Ansel Wong
Board Member
Born and raised in Calgary to parents of Hong Kong and Myanmar background, Ansel has been involved in the Chinese community at a very young age. As an active volunteer across many different organizations, he has had the opportunity to really feel, understand, and relate to the many facets of Calgary’s vibrant Chinatown, and the Chinese community at large. Studying overseas, Ansel has an LL.B. and an LL.M. specializing in International Commercial Law. He is currently an active lawyer and member of the firm Ho MacNeil. In addition to Diversecities, Ansel also sits on the board of the Chinese Cultural Centre. There’s a good chance you might have seen him as the Master of Ceremonies across various events in Chinatown!
Lloyd Sciban
Peter Chung
Yunfei Zhang